
March 01, 2007 candjî

External link dumps candjî

Articles with more than 5 external links as of March 01, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Article ID Article
24 17788 Wikinoveles/Årtchives
11 12389 Sealand
10 11524 Pitit roman
9 7 Mwaisse pådje
9 23376 Belès letes e walon
8 13707 José Schoovaerts
8 21594 Paul Marchot
7 1041 Wikipedia
7 21385 Katowice
7 6183 Laurent Hendschel
7 3784 Bulgåreye
6 17296 Echternak
6 24665 Spot
6 18197 Fôrlan
6 12803 Evandjîle
5 3608 Ofinsive da Von Rundstedt
5 21339 Motî walon so les fyis
5 722 Google
5 23261 Vincent Delire
5 21343 Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
5 20093 Lurcete
5 12706 Maissin
5 12269 Fotbale
5 18401 SLLW
5 1099 Wikt:loukî
5 13398 Motî d' Cînè
5 4494 Walon
5 9226 Jean-Philippe Legrand
5 21759 Sociolinwince do walon
5 12003 Cwadran solaire
5 1005 Occitan
5 1652 Wikt:swer
SELECT COUNT(el_from) AS total, el_from, page_title
FROM externallinks, page
WHERE externallinks.el_from = page_id AND page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY el_from

External link ranking candjî

Sites linked more than 5 times as of March 01, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Link count Site
966 http://wa.wikipedia.org
423 http://rifondou.walon.org
117 http://lucyin.walon.org
70 http://users.skynet.be
64 http://commons.wikimedia.org
62 http://kvaleberg.com
29 http://chanae.walon.org
28 http://aberteke.walon.org
13 http://croejhete.walon.org
11 http://picr.walon.org
8 http://relis-namurwes.be
8 http://www.digizeitschriften.de
7 http://users.swing.be
7 http://www.wallonie-en-ligne.net
7 http://fr.wikipedia.org
6 http://membres.lycos.fr
6 http://www.euro-support.be
6 http://www.freelang.com
6 http://djozewal.googlepages.com
6 http://www.dailymotion.com
5 http://www.google.com
SELECT COUNT(el_to) AS total, SUBSTRING_INDEX(el_to, '/', 3) AS search
FROM externallinks, page
WHERE page_id = el_from AND page_namespace = 0
GROUP BY search

Additional information candjî

Some more information about this dump:

  • 8896 articles that are in the main space and not redirects
  • 16276 articles and redirects in the main space
  • 21470 pages in all namespaces
  • 7585 redirects in all namespaces
  • 7122 external links in every namespace
  • 2318 external links in the main space

Very probable spambot pages candjî

If index.php is found in a page title, it is very likely the article talk page has been created by a spambot. These pages should be deleted and protected if possible.

Article ID Article
16240 W/index.php

Possible spambot pages candjî

Possible pages created by spambots ending with /.

Article ID Article
9232 Imådje:Broken/
SELECT page_id, page_title, page_namespace
FROM page
WHERE page_title LIKE '%index.php%' OR page_title LIKE '%/wiki/%' OR page_title LIKE '%/w/%' OR page_title LIKE '%/';