Oyi, dji conte baguer viè wikipedia.org, mins dji vôreu fini li ratournaedje di l' eterface et des pådjes d' aidance d' aprume.
Yes, I would like to move to wikipedia.org, but I would like to finish translating the interface and the help pages first.

Èm pôrîz vs dire li cmande po fé l' bagaedje del båze mysql (dji pinse ki po ls imådjes i sufixh di fé on tar avou l' ridant des eberwetaedjes)
Could you tell me the command to export the mysql database (I suppose that for images it is enough to create a tarball of the uploads directory)

Gråces, thanks
Pablo 30 di nôvimbe 2003 a 23:30 (CET)